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Rupp Carriveau/Lindsay Miller/Matt Davison, University of Windsor: Asset Management (Year 21)
In collaboration with the University of Western, Kruger, Enbridge and WEICan, the University of Windsor lead the YR21 project with the overarching objective of maximizing the value of historical and future investments in winds energy assets and provide informed direction for business decisions. Several methods were developed and applied to estimate remaining useful life of wind turbine bearings with high accuracy. Techniques were also applied to predict the reliability of the generators and to evaluate the fatigue reliability of wind turbines. Further, unsupervised machine learning techniques were developed and applied to monitor wind turbine blade health. Net present valuation of assets and post PPA1 options analyses were carried out to evaluate lifetime extension options. We are keen to continue refining these techniques and apply them through additional case studies.

The Wind Energy Institute of Canada advances the development of wind energy across Canada through research, testing, innovation and collaboration.