
September 16, 2021

WEICan releases Utility Forum Task 2 Report: Canadian Provincial Grid Code Study

The Wind Energy Institute of Canada (WEICan) acts as secretariat to Natural Resources Canada’s (NRCan) Utility Forum, which brings together representatives from utilities and system operators across Canada to discuss issues of shared importance specific to the planning and operation of power systems with high penetrations of variable generators (solar, wind).

The second task of the Utility Forum recommends opportunities to harmonize grid codes across Canada to lower the barriers to entry for further renewables development. Currently, traditional aspects for grid codes, such as voltage and reactive power support, balancing and regulation, power quality, and protection are fairly harmonized across Canada. However, emerging aspects of grid codes, such as those that emerged in response to inverter-based resources including, frequency support, large signal stability and performance during disturbance, and small signal stability are less harmonized across the provinces. Therefore, harmonization of grid codes across Canada should focus on emerging grid code elements.

To see the full report click here

August 12, 2020
WEICan presented at IEEE PES meeting
WEICan's Eldrich Rebello presented WEICan's work in analyzing a 10 MW wind farm providing secondary frequency regulation at the IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting in August... More >

July 22, 2020
WEICan hires two summer students
WEICan is pleased to have two students working as Wind Systems Technical Interns this... More >

June 23, 2020
WEICan Shows Using Wind Turbines for Frequency Regulation is Possible and Can Be Profitable
The Wind Energy Institute of Canada (WEICan) demonstrates that wind turbines are technically able to perform secondary frequency regulation with the potential for financial profit for the wind farm... More >

The Wind Energy Institute of Canada advances the development of wind energy across Canada through research, testing, innovation and collaboration.